Our Insights

Observations from the 15th Floor

Is it bribery or culture that brings people back to the office?

Is it bribery or culture that brings people back to the office? 

Did someone say Free Coffee? Every Single Day?

The whole "back to the office" thing has been a bit of a media frenzy lately. Free beer on tap? Ping pong tables? (Side note: a ping pong table would be pretty cool!) We get it.

I thought I’d share how we're reshaping it at Spinifex. Even though, apart from a new office, our post-Covid world is the same as our pre-covid world. We're on a mission to make work not just a place you have to be, but somewhere you WANT to be.

A team member gave us some feedback about a year ago saying we'd lost a bit of our fun! Ouch, that one stung. But hey, feedback is a gift, right? So we took a good hard look at ourselves.

Our new space, (with breathtaking views of Sydney Harbour) is a place to come together, collaborate with our team, and maybe even bond over the challenges (and triumphs!) of working on some fairly complicated projects. We believe in building a culture that's fun, flexible, and – dare we say – supportive. Because let's face it, a happy team is a productive team, and a productive team means more champagne Fridays for everyone!

At Spinifex, we've always recognised the power of flexibility. Our 9-day fortnight, work-from-home options, and even two free group training sessions per week are more than just perks; they're part of our commitment to supporting our team's diverse needs and lifestyles. And let's not forget about Fun Fridays! With lunch on the house and bubbles flowing from 4 pm, it's the perfect way to wind down and celebrate another week of hard work.

What does your workplace culture look like? How does it embrace flexibility?

For us however it’s not just about the perks (did we mention we get free coffee, every single day?). It's about the people. We recently heard from two of our newest team members, Em and Paul, who shared that they prefer coming into the office over working from home since joining Spinifex. It's a testament to the sense of community and collaboration that we've created here.

Is this the secret to keeping staff? Well, our retention stats suggest perhaps it is. 80% of our team have been with Spinifex for more than 10 years!

In a world where the media is buzzing about companies resorting to bribery to get employees back to the office, we're taking a different approach. For us, it's about building an office culture where the give and take are balanced. Yes, there are times when you need to step up and work late, but there are also moments like being front and centre at your child's dance eisteddfod mid-week, knowing that your team has your back.

I have first-hand experience of the flexibility Spinifex offer. During lockdown, an incredibly unique opportunity to work from remote Australian towns came up, and permission was granted. From the challenges of connectivity in the Northern Territory to the humorous sight of my husband climbing trees to boost our Wi-Fi signal, it was an adventure unlike any other. But it was also a reminder of the trust and support that defines our culture at Spinifex.

So remember, a strong office culture is not just about the perks or the views (although they certainly help). It's about the people, the support, and the sense of belonging that makes coming to work at Spinifex feel like coming home.

What is your workplace culture like? How does it embrace flexibility?

I'm proud of the Spinifex family for reimagining our office culture, one quirky adventure at a time. Because we tackle some pretty complex systems and hardcore content at Spinifex, and without this culture of mutual support, we might not be as successful as we are.

We wanted to bring more than just "fun" back to the office. We wanted to foster a culture that meant our team felt supported:

  • A safe space to ask questions and be curious
  • Encouragement to get involved and learn new skills
  • Freedom to experiment without fear of judgment or failure

… And look forward to dreaming up new initiatives in the future.

A flexible, supportive culture only means good things for our clients.

Think about it: When a team feels valued, empowered, and constantly learning, they're more engaged, motivated, and, better equipped to tackle your toughest challenges and deliver stellar results.

By: Kate Bensley

A little about Spinifex

At Spinifex, we don't just talk the talk, we walk the walk. That translates to reliable, high-quality work for our clients, every single time. What can we do for you?

Let’s start a discussion.

Spinifex acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as First Australians and recognises their culture, history, diversity and their deep connection to the land. We acknowledge that Spinifex operates on the land of the Traditional Custodians and pay respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.

Spinifex Spinifex Australian Owned Certified ServeGate